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Titan VanGuard

Project Description

Titan VanGuard contracted Giant Titan to help build a competitive website with functionality. We worked closely with their team to develop tools for their investors, as well as tenants of their commercial properties; to give their website more of a purpose than just a look book.


With ease of use and budget in mind, we felt the best fit for this project was to develop the site on the WordPress framework. WordPress though great for blogs, has also the ability to be customized for slightly tailored solutions.

Project Details

Client Titan VanGuard
Date July 2015
Skills Web Design & Development
Platform WordPress
View titanvanguard.com

<a class="et_pb_button" href="http://titanvanguard.com" target="blank">View Website</a>


The team over at Titan VanGuard had an idea of what they wanted, but they needed someone to make their vision come to life. We decided to keep the design sleek and inline with their pre-established color schemes while adding some bold imagery to break up some of the pages. The final result speaks for itself.

Want to know more? Get In Touch.

If you are interested in working together, send us an inquiry and we will get back to you as soon as we can!